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Aerospace Industries Association of Brazil - AIABis the national trade association that represents Brazilian aerospace companies, networking, promoting and defending its common interests and objectives, in Brazil and worldwide.

The objectives of AIAB are:

I. To congregate the industries of the aerospace sector and related activities, sponsoring and promoting its common interests.

II. To represent the member companies in contact with public and private corporations of any nature, except commercial representation that will be limited to the level of protocol of intentions;

III. To promote the products and services of its members in Brazil and abroad;

IV. To promote a forum for member companies to network and to collaborate in the permanent interchange of information, stimulating and preserving the ethical relationship among them and with third parties.

V. To stimulate the corporate feeling with the member companies, in order to enhance the commercial relationship among them.

VI. To carry out studies and research for the member companies and government bodies.

VII. To defend the common interests of its members through formulation of proposals and procedures with the government bodies, as well as international organizations;

VIII. To stimulate the interaction with related trade associations, in Brazil and abroad, collaborating with them to better represent the member companies.

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